Greg Reiva has taught science education in public and private school systems for the
past 27 years. During this time period he achieved education at the doctoral level, and
has been involved with the United States National Science Teachers Association. He
has presented at national science education conventions and developed innovative
educational resources for Pitsco Corporation and for the World in Motion educational
products produced by the Society of Automotive Engineers.
For nearly a decade, Greg has developed science curriculum utilizing resources of
iEARN (International Education and Resources Network). The opportunity to work with
this international organization has opened a floodgate of educational resources and
helped to create peer-driven, cooperatively developed curriculum initiatives world-wide.
Since the beginning of his career as an educator dating back to 1995, Greg has been a
strong advocate of project-based science curriculum as the best pedagogy employed in
the science classroom. Research in education has shown that collaborative and
cooperative learning experiences directed toward the achievement of project objectives
are some of the most effective means to present content in science and in the
development of needed skills and abilities for students.
Recent curriculum developments have focused upon involvement in The Earth
Stewardship Project, The Water is Life/ Team Green International Project and the
YouthCan Project. These projects are at the center of the middle school science
curriculum at St. Thomas the Apostle School.
The protection and preservation of local ecosystems has been the emphasis of the
curriculum in Earth Science, Life Science and Physical Science. Each of these
disciplines have their unique perspective of the preservation of ecosystems and it is the
dynamics of project-based science that unite disciplines into coherent efforts to solve
real-world problems like the impact of climate change on the environment.
Greg considers being an educator as a vocation helping to contribute to the
development of student learning for the 21st century. The skills and abilities that
students need to achieve are a product of these project-based educational initiatives
that he has committed to bring forth in the science classroom.